Digital cartography

Thematic maps

List of all available Thematic Maps for catalunya.


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 Catalonia Physical-political poster map
125,00 €

Catalonia Physical-political poster map

Poster size map of Catalonia (CATALUNYA in catalan, Cataluña in spanish) showing administrative borders: provinces and comarcas, roadmaps: highways, major and minor roads, railroad, principal rivers and lakes, capitals, cities and towns organized depending on population size and other relevant political and geographical information. Download high resolution and fully editable vectorized file organized in separate layers allowing you to customize colors, styles and names. Scale: 1:450.000. High-resolution color and gray shaded relief TIFF images are included.
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Adobe Illustrator, PDF + TIFF, JPG (300dpi)

Catalonia - map of municipalities, counties and vegueries
75,00 €

Catalonia - map of municipalities, counties and vegueries

Map of municipalities, comarques and vegueries of Catalonia.
Digital map of Catalonia with the municipalities, county boundaries and the countryside.
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Adobe Illustrator, Acrobat PDF

Catalonia poster map
71,39 €

Catalonia poster map

Digital physical and political map of Catalonia in poster size 1,5x1,5 meters with colored counties, road network, railroads, rivers and lakes, capitals, cities and towns ordered by number of inhabita
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Image TIFF (250dpi)

Map of Catalonia with municipalities in shapefile format
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Map of Catalonia with municipalities in shapefile format

Digital map of Catalonia autonomous community with the municipal boundaries in geo-referenced Shapefile format.
Arcview Shapefile (.shp)