Number of dwellings by postcode in Spain Ask price

Demographics by Postal Code  »  España Viviendas  »   Number of dwellings by postcode in Spain

 Number of dwellings by postcode in Spain regla españa viviendas

Number of dwellings by Postal Code
There are 235 municipalities in Spain with more than 25,000 inhabitants and with more than one postal code within their municipal boundaries.

This dataset provides the total number of dwellings in these municipalities organized by postcode. The data comes from the 'Catastro' and the National Statistics Institute (INE) and its most recent census information.

For each of the 235 municipalities, the number of dwellings per zip code has been determined and presented in a single Excel file. The purpose of the dataset is to show the distribution and concentration of housing in the different regions, cities and neighborhoods of these municipalities in Spain. It can provide information on population density, urban development, real estate markets and infrastructure needs.
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The data cover all postal codes in these 235 municipalities and indicate the total number of existing dwellings in each area according to the last census. This allows for geographic analysis of housing patterns in those municipalities. The granularity of the zip code data allows examination of housing totals down to the neighborhood level.

The structure of the Excel file contains the following fields: idcp (unique identifier for each postal code area) - CCAA (Autonomous Community) - Province - County (Comarca) - Municipality - COD_INE (INE code of the municipality) - Postal Code - Coord_X_ce - Coord_Y_ce (coordinates of the centroid of each postal area) - Number of Dwellings.

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-You can complete the purchase of this database of population by zip code, with the access for a whole year to the web application Zip Code Searcher by radius, which will allow you to access the data from a comfortable and easy to use interface, visualizing the information on maps.

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